This comic is on permanent hiatus, and was from a different point in my life. I don't know if I will ever update it again.
Lights out - Nov 4, 2016
Frank doesn't care if other people use those methods for getting/staying to sleep, he's just an old crank who doesn't want to use them himself. And personally, I would love if there was something that actually helped me sleep reliably and easily.
Tags: Frank, Janai Permalink43! - Sep 21, 2016
Yes, THE answer is 42, but today is 43.
Production of strips has resumed, and the buffer should be going back up as the next couple weeks go by. Various reasons impacted my desire to continue, mostly my own hangups on the art and story, but for now we press on!
Welcome! - Jun 15, 2016
Welcome to Bob's Old Books, a webcomic about an ordinary bookstore, ordinary for their universe anyways, but more about that in the future, wouldn't want to give too much away too soon! There will be plotting, intrigue science fiction, fantasy, action, adventure and of course, book jokes (and hopefully improving art).
This is getting started a couple weeks late due to various life things that got in the way (cold from hell!), but I have roughly a full month of buffer created, and lots more more or less outlined.
The site isn't fully finished yet, it mostly works, but I am not very experienced at web development,
so things may look weird, especially on other devices or browsers.
If you notice something wrong, let me know and Ill attempt to fix it (bonus kudos for providing solutions!).
I am considering having a commenting system, and leaning towards Disqus because Disqus is very fully featured, and fits well with statically generated sites.
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